Hello all of my friend
I am seeing for jobs in our national newspaper frequently.
Have you been read this news?If you are not reading this news still,I must encourage to read all of you friend .Find the chance for your job!!!!!!
So much to see, so much to want, so much to chat
Dan...Dee...Dee...Hay...Where can you hide away? The world is getting smaller. Let me tell you this. I do... I do... miss you... do you miss me. We invite all friends to be on-line on Jan 01, 2007 bet 12:00-3:00PM.
So much to see, so much to want, so much to chat....
Dan...Dee...Dee...Hay...Where can you hide away? The world is getting smaller. Let me tell you this. I do... I do... miss you... do you miss me. We invite all friends to be on-line on Jan 01, 2007 bet 12:00-3:00PM.
So much to see, so much to want, so much to chat....
Get It Now For Your Pleasure
Hi all friend! We have view in dated 26.12.2006 newspapers for job vacancy. It's concerned with us. So, you should view this news .
Hi all friend! We have view in dated 26.12.2006 newspapers for job vacancy. It's concerned with us. So, you should view this news .
Wonderful Days
1 Zwe Hein *
2 Kyi Thar Htet *
3 Ei Khin Khin *
4 Kyawt Maung Tha *
5 Thaw Xin Naing *
6 Hla Hla Than *
7 Kyaw Lin Aung *
8 Thu Zar Win *
9 Swe Swe Mon *
10 Nay Lin Aung (11) *
11 Myat Htet Aung *
12 Phyu Phyu Tin *
13 Su Su Kyaw *
14 Yin Min Thet *
15 Nway Ya Mhon Swe *
16 Thein Htut Ko *
17 Zaw Min Htet *
18 Mya Su Su Htwe *
19 Kyaw Hlian Htoo *
20 Thet Ko Ko *
21 Myat Thet Thet Khine *
22 Nay Lin Aung *
23 Tay Zar Htun *
24 Zin Min Htaik *
25 Aye Aye Htet *
26 Thet Nwe *
27 Yi Mon Cho Htut *
28 Swe Swe Win *
29 Su Mon Aung *
30 Moe Moe Aung *
31 Neithit Phoo *
32 Aye Kyawt Han *
33 Khin Nandar Maung *
34 Khin Htay Win *
35 Kyaw Naing Tun *
36 Phyo Wint Soe *
37 Aye Mya Thida *
38 War War Win Hlaing *
39 Min Min Thet *
40 be Someone *
41 Ni Ni Tint *
42 Nu Nu Win *
43 Yè Win Kyaw *
44 Chue Minn *
45 Win Min Than *
46 Tin Tin Thaw *
47 Myo Mon Thwe *
48 be Someone *
49 be Someone *
50 Yè Min Hlaing *
51 Moe Shwe Yi Myint *
52 Ei Ei Aung *
53 Aung Zaw Myint *
54 Maw Maw Than *
55 Myo Min Zaw *
56 Khine Hnin Phyu *
57 Cho Thiri Zaw *
58 Kyi Kyi Phyu *
59 Mya Lay Nwe *
60 Naw Christy Lin *
61 Thet Naing Tint *
62 Thandar Oo *
63 Aung Ko Ko *
64 Soe Thein Naing *
65 Phyo Thiha *
66 Si Phyo Tint *
67 Aye Sabal Aung *
68 Kyaw Zaw *
69 Phyu Thwe Tun *
70 Aye Sandar Aung *
71 Khin Wai Yan Aye *
72 Khin Htet Htet Zaw *
73 Latt War Nu *
74 be Someone *
75 Thet Su Nwe *
76 Khine Khin Tun *
77 Aye Sandar Win *
78 Wit Mhon Oo *
79 Nan Kalayar Aye *
80 be Someone *
81 Kyaw Zay Ya *
82 Theingi Myint *
83 Zin Min Thwe
84 Khin Chaw Su Win
85 Zaw Htet
86 Htet Thura Aung
87 be Someone
88 Thin Thin Z
89 S' Lay Mg Mg
90 Zaw Mg Mg
91 Aye Zarni
Opportunity for job (Get it now!!!)
Requirement (Techincian)
**AGTI/BE (Electronic Enginner)
**Male (must be between 25 and 40 age)
**Good skill in english (writing & speaking)
**must be experience at water-treatment business
**must be driven(preffered)
*******Inquery at: *******
No.83, Pyidaungsu Yeikthar St., Dagon T/S., Yangon.
Ph: 224062, 227331
**AGTI/BE (Electronic Enginner)
**Male (must be between 25 and 40 age)
**Good skill in english (writing & speaking)
**must be experience at water-treatment business
**must be driven(preffered)
*******Inquery at: *******
No.83, Pyidaungsu Yeikthar St., Dagon T/S., Yangon.
Ph: 224062, 227331
Special offer
Hello my friend!
You can requst the information on our site sent this adddress admin.enics@gmail.com.
For your problem, we are ready to explain.You can requst the information on our site sent this adddress admin.enics@gmail.com.
All of you can search for job at www.asianjobbus.com.
If you want to know the terms of computer and internet, go to www.whatis.com.
Thank for entering our site!
If you want to know the terms of computer and internet, go to www.whatis.com.
Thank for entering our site!
Welcome to portal-electronics
Hi! all friends.
Happy to see you on portal-enics blogs site. We make this blogs site for offer all information. It concerned with especially for Engineer (EC). Our objectives of this blogs site inform you about projects, opportunity for vacancy, and latest technology information.
Thanks for all.
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